Friday, February 6, 2009

Our Purpose

Excuse me for a minute while I get a little mushy. I don't usually post things like this but since this is sort of my journal, I thought I would do something a little more personal.

Many of you know that my heart will always belong to Utah. That is where I was born and raised. That is where our families are. I love Utah.

Moving here wasn't the easiest thing I have ever done. In fact, it was probably the hardest. Connor was just barely 1 and I just found out I was pregnant. I wasn't sure I was ready to move away and have a life in Arizona. It took some time but after a couple of years (and a lot of tears,) I really bagan to feel comfortable here. Kelly loves his job and he is really good at it. We have wonderful friends, who most, are like us and away from family too. Knowing them has made being away a whole lot easier!

Anyway, a few months ago, Kelly had the opportunity to apply for two agencies in Salt Lake. I got so excited because after 4 years, maybe we could move back home! Well, have you ever had a time in your life where what you want isn't necessarily what is supposed to be? After a chain of events, Kelly and I both know that our time for now is to be spent here. We both had the same feeling a couple of years ago when again, we struggled to know if we should move or not. For some reason we are supposed to be here, and we know by staying, we are doing the right thing.

I will never give up on the idea that we might be able to once again live in Utah. However, I do know that it could be on someone Else's timeline and that is okay with me.

We will continue to look forward to our long summer breaks in Salt Lake and our family visits throughout the year! We will also continue to enjoy our life here and be grateful for the opportunities that await us!

We love you all!


Rachel said...

That's a hard thing. We would have loved to have you back, but we understand that you need to do what is right for you and your family at this time. We'll just have to continue making the most of your visits for now.

Marisa said...

Okay, so seriously I LOVE thie post! Totally hits home; it's so nice to hear that you are going through and have gone through exactly what we have gone through. (We've tried for about 3 to 4 years to get back west and everytime we ask if it's right, we're told no.) It's frustrating, but when you have the proper perspective everything is right in the world.

carly said...

You will know when it's time to come back. After 4 years in AZ, one day it kinda hit me that I needed to move back. Then when I decided to do it, and put in my notice at work, a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I knew I made the right decision. I am glad you are enjoying it =)

Diane said...

Just know you have someone in Tennessee who really, honestly knows exactly what you're talking about. I have also found that two years is the mark for when a new place begins to feel more like home. As much as I love Utah, I have LOVED the places we've lived...especially the people we've met. Imagine your life without them. You can't can you?! It's great to get the answer that you are doing the right thing.

Holly said...

Megan, I'm always in search of blog ideas because someday (yes, someday) I'd like to have my own. You do a great job with yours! Anyways, I really enjoyed what you had to say on this post. It actually brought tears to my eyes. And you know, it's funny because now that I know we are moving in May, my heart is starting to ache a bit. I finally feel able to call this little town of Buckeye my "home away from home"; I have met such wonderful, talented, quality people here! Just when I feel like this is my home it's time to move on. So, I've learned like you have to enjoy the good in where you are at because it's probably temporary. I'm especially sad that I have to leave now that we've started freezer meal group, I love it! It makes me sad to have to say goodbye to all the memories & friends we have made and are making here. I guess to everything, there is a season. Thanks for what you said! Now I'll go check out your "real deal" website; I've never heard of it, sounds so cute...this could be dangerous! (Ok sorry this post was so long.)

Unknown said...

People ask me all the time why my parents don't just move here. I REALLY wish they could. Or that we could move to Tennessee! But we're all where we're supposed to be. Comforting, but still hard. Your own little family will be really close as a result of living away from family!!!

Anonymous said...

I am sad you guys arent moving back because it would have been nice Brynlee to play with her cousins but I understand you have to do whats right for your family. I hope that you will keep me updated when you are coming in town.

Kelley Rae said...

It really was a strength for us when moving as everything was going wrong I kept saying "Megan did it, Marisa did it, Tara, did it, Maren did it, if they can do it I can do it." Just don't let my mom read this because she already thinks we'll never come back!

Tina said...

isn't it nice to know that Heavenly Father really knows what he's doing even if we can't see the big picture? AZ is your home, for now, and its great that you love it and love the people and friends you know. We miss my sister so bad and wish she would move here but it isn't right for them even if we all want it so bad. Good for you!