A few nights ago, I was watching a football game and the boys decided they wanted to play a little football too. They got their football out and started their own little scrimmage. Carson found a roll of packaging tape and used that for his tee. He would set the ball in it and kick it across the room. Connor got into his position and would call out "blue 42, set, hike." Then he would toss the ball to Carson. They were having such a grand old time running around, laughing, and tackling one another. Carson even tackled his 50 pound brother a few times. It was hilarious!
Carson got a little wounded during the match up! Here he is with a rug burn down his face.
Connor has PE a few times a week at school and was doing his exercises last night. He showed me his push ups and his jumping jacks. He asked me what some other exercises were so I showed him how to do sit ups. As he was doing them he told me, "Mom this is why we have hinges." He would do about five, stand up, and flex his arms. Each time he would tell me that his muscles just got a bit bigger! He was pretty excited and said he was going to show his PE teacher his new exercises.
Earlier in the week Katelyn had her 1 year well check. She is growing so big! She weighs just over 24 pounds and is 30 inches tall. She also endured 4 shots! Her big brother Carson was very concerned for her. After the shots were over he turned to me with all seriousness and said, "Mom, now Katelyn has holes." He was pretty sweet to her afterwards.
Katelyn has mastered the skill of climbing up the stairs. She is so quick. She usually makes it up all the way before we realize she has wandered off. The other day I found her upstairs reading some books. It was pretty cute.
Yesterday was a big day for Connor. He had his very first t-ball game! Kelly is helping our friend Ryan coach our boys. It is pretty fun watching the excitement in their eyes as they get their mitts ready, their cleats on, and head to practice. Oh and yes, even Connor and Kutter get pretty excited! Their first game was a success! They had so much fun and looked all grown up in their t-ball uniform.
Connor getting ready for game time!
The team had a couple of extra t-shirts so Carson was lucky to have gotten one too. Of course he had to wear the shirt to the game.
Our future cheerleader! Katelyn enjoyed clapping for her brother. Whenever someone clapped she too would give a little cheer!