Saturday, May 2, 2009

My Week From You Know Where!

This week had potential to be pretty darn good. Kelly was working Monday through Thursday day shift for some SWAT training. Not only would he be home for dinner, help get the kids off to bed, and enjoy some DVR time, he would also get a longer weekend. Oh, how quickly did everything go down hill!

Sunday night: Katelyn gets a fever.

Monday morning: Katelyn's temperature is right around 103 but quickly goes down with a dose of Motrin. Despite the fever relief, she wants nothing else but to be held and sleep in my arms for 3 hours! Now, I like television, but that is an awfully long time of sitting and searching for something to watch on daytime t.v.

Tuesday: Katelyn wakes up with a temperature again. Goes away with Motrin. I say to myself, "She seems to be doing a whole lot better today. If she wakes tomorrow with the same scenario, I will call the doc."

Wednesday: Same scenario. Make appointment for 12:00. Make it to the doctor's to find a crazy busy waiting room because every single patient thinks they have Swine Flu! Diagnosis for Kate, Strep Throat. Katelyn is still whiney, fussy, and very clingy to mom.

Thursday: Last day for Kelly's training. He will be getting off at 2:00 and does not have to return to work until next Wednesday. YAY! I am so ready for daddy to be home and help me get the house back in order! Call Kelly at lunch to see how his day is, only to find out he has been quarantined to a dark secluded room because he has come down with chills and a fever. Kelly comes home from work and looks, well, AWFUL! I quickly run to his aid. Dishes do not get done!

Thursday evening: Soccer practice. Kelly is in no shape for soccer. Scramble to find a nice dad who will kindly take over.
Come home from soccer feeling grateful that Katelyn is fast asleep! Mom needs to take a deep breath and relax (without a child in her lap!)

Friday: We wake after a long night for Kelly. Fever, chills, achy, tired. Have to wait until 2:00 to see the doctor. Diagnosis for Kelly, Strep Throat. Swine Flu for him either! Yes, laundry, dishes, meal planning, and groceries, still need to get done. But between taking care of Kate and Kelly, I neither have the desire or motivation!

Saturday: Kelly was up all night with his fever reaching nearly 105! He finally gets relieve from chills and fever but was left with the worst headache of his life! Call same kind father to see if he can coach soccer game.

Saturday evening: Was meant to be spent at our Stake Luau enjoying good food, company, and entertainment. Now it is being spent cleaning the messiest house around, caring for Kelly (who normally does not require much care) and me, sulking about because this has turned out to be the week from you know where!


team wilson said...

So sorry. That does not sound fun at all. I hope next week is soooo much better for you!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. I hope this next week is better:)

Angela said...

Wow, I hate when that happens. I hope everyone gets better soon so you can all go have some fun together.

Kelley Rae said...

That's the worst! I hope everyone is feeling better soon. And no worries about the mess, it always seems to come back anyway so a week off won't make much difference!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm so sorry. You're such a super-duper mom! I hope Kelly and Kate get feeling better.

Lyenna Kemp said...

MAN!!! What is it lately, seriously! Shaela and the kids have been suffering from strep throat as well. I hope it gets better. You're in need of a girls night out

Anonymous said...

wow I'm sorry for your week! But the good news is its over right?!!? :)

Rachel said...

Wow. Sick kids are never fun. Hope this week is better!

The Wright's said...

Oh man, Megan, that is a pretty crappy week. That is so hard to have 2 sick kids. I am glad you made it through. I probably would not have, you are better than me, fo sho! Take care of yourself, you deserve a day at the spa.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm soooo sorry to hear that! Wow, that is some week. I hope things are better for everyone, more importantly that it wasn't the swine flu. i hear there might be cases in utah, i know there's been one in nevada - eek! Take care of that sweet family of yours and don't forget to treat yourself! Smile! :D

pzierse said...

Meg,and Kel,
I am soooo glad that it is over for all of you. I couldn't sleep all night thursday either. I didn't know why I couldn't relax and fall to sleep. My work day was long and really had a hard time driving home after work. I was sooo tired. Now I know my mother bones were working. It just didn't connect with the brain. I just knew you would call if you were in trouble. I worry anyway so call us!! Love ya lots Mom

SuAnn McFadden said...

You're lucky Carson & Connor didn't get it too! It's bad enough for kids to be sick, but when the parents are sick too--that's just awful. Glad everyone's on the mend.